125 Group is very pleased to announce the latest addition to our fleet of Mk3 Coaches, Trailer Guards Standard (TGS) 44000. This HST vehicle will be used to support our passenger operations at Great Central Railway Nottingham (GCRN).
44000 has been very kindly donated by leasing company Porterbrook and following road transfer from storage in Long Marston, has arrived at our operating base GCRN Ruddington. Previously the coach was in service with Great Western Railway and wears their smart base green colour. The vehicle is in good internal and external condition.
44000 was built by British Rail Engineering Limited (BREL) at Derby Litchurch Lane Works. When Inter-City 125 was first introduced in 1976, the guard’s office was located in the power cars. TGS vehicles were later added to provide more passenger capacity and to give a smoother, quieter ride for the guard. 44000 is the original TGS, constructed in 1980 to lot number 30953, unique to this vehicle.
We are extremely grateful to Porterbrook for their generous donation. 44000 joins our existing Mk3 fleet of 10202, 10206, 12087, 12092 and 12134 which have all been restored to full working condition by our team of volunteers. Meanwhile, two of our existing vehicles are leaving the fleet. Mk3b FO 11074 is departing GCRN Ruddington for pastures new. Spares vehicle TSO 12065 has been stripped of all useful components and will shortly be disposed of. To find out more and keep informed as our fleet continues to evolve, join up as a member of 125 Group!
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