The Mid-Norfolk Railway Spring Diesel Event takes place Friday 5th to Sunday 7th April and we are very pleased to announce Prototype HST Power Car 41001 and four of our Mk3 coaches will be taking part. The historic Power Car is fitted with the original type Paxman Valenta engine, famous for its glorious screaming sound. The High Speed Train will work public services over this scenic route alongside other guest locomotives and the Mid-Norfolk Railway resident fleet, for more details see the MNR website HERE.
The Prototype HST was built in 1972 as fore-runner to the hugely successful InterCity 125 Production HST fleet which revolutionised long distance UK rail travel. 41001 is part of the National Collection, restoration was funded and carried out by 125 Group under the ‘Project Miller’ banner after the power car had spent over 25 years as a static exhibit at York NRM. 41001 is no stranger to the Mid-Norfolk Railway, having visited in 2016 and over the recent festive period. We are very pleased to be bringing the Valenta scream back to Norfolk!
As always, plans are made and this information is provided in good faith, however all arrangements in railway preservation are subject to alteration in the event of changing circumstances, for which 125 Group can not be held liable.