Visit and donation from Crosscountry

We recently had David Jones and John Robson from Crosscountry trains visit our set with a kind donation of several hundred first class headrest covers (antimacassars). During the visit, the opportunity was taken to test fit these to one of our first class coaches (image below) as well as discuss the possiblility of future collaboration, especially as May 2022 sees the 40th anniversary of BR’s introduction of HSTs on the North East – South West/South Wales services. Many thanks to Crosscountry for the kind donation which will be put to good use.

Image of First Class coach interior with XC Antimacassars fitted

Meet the Fleet is a resounding success!

Many thanks to everyone who came to our Meet the Fleet event at Ruddington on the 29th and 30th of August. It was a pleasure showing so many people around our fleet and especially introducing some of our younger visitors to the drivers seat. Hopefully some future volunteers in the making….

On Sunday 29th, we were joined by a visitor from East Midlands Railway Trust. EMRT have kindly put together the following video about us and the event which we are pleased to share with you all!

We hope to run more events like this in the future, so please keep an eye out for announcements in OTF Magazine, social media and here on the website.