Saturday 19th November will see a special hybrid High Speed Train operating public services at Great Central Railway (Nottingham) to celebrate 40 Years of the iconic Inter-City 125. For this charity event, East Midlands Trains are kindly lending two of their power cars and two Mk3 coaches, funds raised will benefit 125 Group and Railway Children. The special HST formation will consist of an EMT power car at one end of the train, Prototype power car 41001 at the other, and coaches from both EMT and 125 Group in between, the first time such a combination has ever been seen. The hybrid HST will work public trains over the former Great Central Mainline, through the scenic Nottinghamshire countryside, making four return trips between Ruddington and Loughborough High Level. Confirmed Timetable below.
‘Buffet 125’ on-board our Mk3 RFM coach 10206 will be serving hot bacon rolls and burgers, hot and cold beverages plus alcoholic drinks including real ale. The 125 Group sales stand will also be open on the train, selling HST merchandise including badges, power car artwork and DVDs. Tickets are available on-line or on-board, reduced fares apply for 125 Group and GCRN members on production of a valid membership card, also for EMT staff with ID. 1st Class Upgrade available on the day. The second EMT power car will be on display all day at Ruddington, open for cab visits in return for a donation to Railway Children who will also have Xmas cards and other items for sale during the day. We are also expecting some special guests who were part of the original HST story 40 years ago and between 1115 and 1145 there will be an unveiling of a ’40 YEARS’ plaque, sponsored by 125 Group, on an EMT power car to mark this important anniversary year. More on the event, tickets and location here: www.gcrn.co.uk
We are very grateful to East Midlands Trains for their kind support. We hope you can join us and celebrate 40 years of the Inter-City 125 High Speed Train, the UK’s most successful train, while raising funds for Railway Children which does such great work fighting for street children abroad and at home. More information on Railway Children here: www.railwaychildren.org.uk