Prototype High Speed Train power car 41001 has safely arrived at Old Oak Common ready for the open day this Saturday 2nd September, following rail transfer from home base Great Central Railway Nottingham. 41001 and 125 Group crew powered the move from Ruddington GCRN last Sunday hauling 47828 and The Class 37 Loco Group’s 37003 as far as Rushcliffe Halt where 57604 and Rail Operations Group took over for the run to Old Oak, dropping off 37003 at Leicester. Thanks to ROG for their usual professional service.
Tickets are still available for the public open day, celebrating over 111 years of train maintenance and servicing at this historic West London depot. On display will be a unique collection of steam, diesel and electric locomotives also merchandise stalls, including the 125 Group Sales Stand, children’s activities, fun fair, entertainers plus locomotive naming ceremonies. All proceeds will go to the depot’s chosen charity Place2Be, providing mental health support for children and whose patron is the Duchess of Cambridge.
To view full information about the open day, including how to get there and to buy tickets on-line, see the event website www.oocopenday.com