Please feel free to contact us at any time, whether it’s regarding joining the group, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the group or its website. Our preferred method of contact is email and most likely to get a prompt response.
When contacting us please remember we are a group run entirely by volunteers in their free time. We do our best to answer emails as promptly as possible.
Please be aware that we do not have the resources to provide specific information that requires considerable research. We will be happy to provide guidance on where you can obtain such information yourself.

All postal membership enquiries should be sent to :-
Membership Secretary, 125 Group, 90 Manor Road, Brimington, Chesterfield, S43 1NN
All non-membership enquiries should be sent to :-
125 Group Limited 85 Great Portland Street London W1W 7LT
125 Group is a Registered Charity in England and Wales, number 1167120 and a Registered Company in England and Wales number 07611121.