Prototype High Speed Train Power Car 41001 and 125 Group’s sleek matching coaches will be in public service at Great Central Railway (Nottingham) this Sunday 3rd July. Trains depart from Ruddington at 1030, 1215, 1400 and 1545, operating top ‘n’ tail with 41001 at the south end of the MkIII coaches and class 73 E6016 at the north end. Tickets available to buy on the day, also on-line from the GCR(N) Website.
Great Central Railway (Nottingham) has something for all the family. The GCR(N) route is just under 10 miles long, passing through scenic countryside ending up at Loughborough Viaduct, which has no station but affords a great view over the Midland Mainline plus an exclusive elevated look into Brush Locomotive Works, with class 73s and 92s often visible. Ruddington station (sat-nav postcode NG11 6JS) is the base for GCR(N), with a Model Railway, rides on the Miniature Railway, plus Heritage Road Transport Collection. Rushcliffe Country Park is also nearby.
On-board the HST ‘Buffet 125’ in our Mk3 coach 10206 will be serving hot bacon rolls and burgers, hot and cold beverages plus alcoholic drinks including bottled beer. The 125 Group sales stand will also be open on the train, selling HST 40 Year Anniversary merchandise including mugs, badges and commemorative souvenir programmes from the recent Bristol St.Philips Marsh HST open day. Plus of course 41001’s classic Paxman Valenta engine will be screaming for your entertainment – we hope you can join us!