On Sunday 27th August, Prototype High Speed Train power car 41001 will be setting off from its home base Ruddington on the Great Central Railway (Nottingham) heading for Old Oak Common and the Great Western Railway public Open Day which takes place on Saturday 2nd September.
41001 together with 47828 + 37003 are expected to depart from Ruddington at approx 0830 Sunday 27th August heading for Rushcliffe Halt which is also known as East Leake/Hotchley Hill. They will be collected by 57604 with schedule planned 0Z58 1000 Hotchley Hill – Leicester Depot to set down 37003 then onward as 0Z59 1530 Leicester Depot – Old Oak Common via Oakham 16/14, Peterborough 16/45, Huntingdon 17/30, Potters Bar 18/30, Finsbury Park 1848-1932, Camden Road 19/51, Willesden Jn High Level 20/09, Acton Mainline 2012-2017, Old Oak Common 2047.
Live schedules can be found here, courtesy of our friends at Realtime Trains. Please note, as always, this information is provided in good faith but these movements can change at short notice on the day subject to operational constraints, the trains may run early or late or be cancelled.
0Z58 http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/R73450/2017/08/27/advanced
0Z59 http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/O22593/2017/08/27/advanced
Tickets are still available for what promises to be a very memorable open day celebrating 111 years of Old Oak Common. To view full information about the open day, including how to get there and to buy tickets on-line, see the event website www.oocopenday.com